Protect Your Email Address with

Publishing your email addresses in plain text on public sites is not safe anymore. Spam robots and spammers regularly scan forums, blogs, etc to collect new emails and to add them to their lists.
For webmasters and bloggers the best solution remains to hide email addresses by using a website form. Visitors can contact them by submitting the form that will be forwarded via email.
For all users a good way to avoid spam is to insert additional text into the email address like Or trying to hide the real email typing like myname AT mydomain DOT com.  These are good tricks but not 100% safe: today some clever spam bots are able to reveal them quite easily. is able to solve this issue by giving the best effective way to share your email without the pain of being an “easy spam target”. is a free service that will convert your email address into a safe and short link you can share on the web, in forums, Twitter, Craiglist, etc.

To use this nice tool you need to type your real email address into the front page. The service either creates a URL for you or you can type in your favorite suffix. For instance >

Once the short url is activated you can post it anywhere. And when people want to send you a message they will need to pass a captcha, “a quick humanity check“, in order to see your real email address.
Simple, safe and free.  We love it!