How often should I send newsletters for maximum effectiveness?

Newsletter ogni quanto inviarle per renderle efficaci
Here’s the secret to finding the right Send frequency for your emails   Newsletters are an incredibly powerful tool for effective communication. Their superpowers are amazing: they strengthen a company’s brand, attract new customers, increase sales, build consumer loyalty, and increase traffic to a website. As you venture into the world of email marketing, you’ll…

Special Characters and Symbols in Email Subject Lines: What You Need to Know

Special characters and symbols
You may have noticed a trend recently in the email marketing messages you have been receiving. It seems that special characters and symbols in email subject lines are all the rage these days, from simple things like hearts ♥ on Valentine’s Day to stars and stripes ★ on the Fourth of July. But while these…

Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Email Marketing Campaign

Spring cleaning email marketing
Spring is the perfect time to do some much needed cleaning, and you do not have to limit that cleanup to your home. Chances are your email marketing campaign could use a bit of spring cleaning as well. Taking the time to spruce up your list of contacts and make smart changes to your campaign…

Email Marketing for Veterinary and Animal Clinics

veterinary, animal clinics
Veterinary practices, animal hospitals and specialty animal clinics have a lot riding on their reputations. Word of mouth spreads rapidly among clients, and both good and bad experiences are likely to be shared. That is why it is so important for veterinary practices to reach out to their clients and foster a positive experience for…

Easter Email Marketing Tips

Easter eggs
Christmas isn’t the only holiday that brings good cheer and marketing opportunities. Easter takes place as spring is arriving. People are eager to celebrate the end of a long winter – and that means opportunity for you. Need some ideas? Here are email marketing tips to kick-start your Easter marketing campaign. Show How Your Products…

Increase Email Subscribers With Popover Forms

Many email marketers have been reluctant to use pop-up ads and other intrusive methods as part of their campaigns. In the past, those pop-up ads have gotten a bad reputation, leading many advertisers to abandon them entirely. That attitude is changing, however, and new technology has allowed email marketers to get the attention of consumers…