7 Reasons Why Your Emails Get Bounced

According to BetterBounces.net, every day 31 billion emails bounce. That means 31 billion messages never reach their intended recipients, and the hard work behind crafting them has been wasted. Bounces are part of the email marketing landscape, but that does not mean you have to live with them. Not all bounces are the same, and…

How to keep sending Gmail campaigns with SendBlaster

In case you have not already heard, there is a major change coming that affects Gmail accounts and email marketing campaigns. Simply put, Google has implemented a strict new DMARC policy, and that means all email marketers who use a third-party mailing service like MailChimp and Aweber and have set their “from address” as yourname@gmail.com…

The Importance of Segmented Email Lists

In the age of social media and search engine marketing, email remains a relevant tool for online marketers. However, things have changed and marketers don’t need to do email blasts. More often than not, the success of a campaign depends on the marketer’s ability to segment email lists. When you are using a platform to…

How to Write Persuasive Emails

Some email composers may think that big words make something sound more sophisticated, and therefore more desirable and appealing when in reality simplicity and ease of understanding is one of the things readers value most. A carefully written email is an email marketer’s most important tool, particularly persuasive emails. It is what pushes readers to…

Why Email Marketing Is Vital (also) for Accountants

Accountants have a vital role to play in modern society, helping business owners and individuals make sense of their taxes and educating others about the importance of managing money and saving for the future. If you work as an accountant, you already know how difficult the job can be and how hard it is to…

27 Ways to Collect Email Addresses

If you hope to have any success at all in the world of email marketing, you first need a reliable and ethical way to collect email addresses and keep in touch with your potential customers. While some marketers resort to unethical tactics to harvest contact information, this approach is counterproductive and ineffective. Fortunately, there are…

How to Step Up Your Mobile Email Marketing Strategy in 3 Simple Steps

If you were to believe the digital marketing “gurus,” email marketing is on its way out. Businesses are making the leap to social media, YouTube, podcasts and other avenues of digital marketing. But the data tells a different story. According to latest research, email is still the second-most-used application on smartphones, topped only by actual…