You’ve Been Blacklisted – Now What?

As careful as your email marketing efforts may be, a danger might knocking at your door: the possibility of being blacklisted. Whether you’ve just been blacklisted or want to avoid a preventable fate, it’s important to understand what email blacklists are and how to deal with them effectively. First, there are three main types of…

What are People’s Perceptions of Spam? [Infographic]

The folks at Flowtown put together this awesome infographic detailing a variety of stats around people’s perceptions of spam. Click on the image to view the full-sized version. The data for the infographic comes from the: Ipsos Public Affairs 2010 MAAWG (Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group ) E-Mail Security Awareness and Usage Report. You can access…

Free and Paid SMTP Services

“What SMTP service do you suggest to use with SendBlaster?” This is a question that customers often ask us. We continue to emphasize that good email marketing needs good SMTP service. In these times there is a wide choice of free SMTP services, offered by different ISPs, hosting companies and Webmail providers. The point is…

Email Marketing Links – the best of the week #2

It’s time for our weekly Blog roundup of the most interesting email marketing posts. Take a look at our fav links: Intro To E-Mail Marketing For Facebook Page Admins – 5 strategies that will boost your Facebook fan base Tactics for reviving dead email subscribers – it’s (almost) time for Halloween campaigns Millennials Highly Receptive…

Email Marketing Links – the best of the week #1

Every week we’ll post a few links to some of the more interesting articles related to email marketing industry. Here the first ones: You can’t buy existing business – again, never buy/sell your email list! Convert Your Mailing List To Twitter Followers (And Save A Fortune) – an effective way to increase marketing exposure at…