SendBlaster For Non-Profits

Here at SendBlaster we believe in giving back to the community so strongly that we have established the ‘SendBlaster for non-profits’ program, which provides free licenses to health-related non-profit organizations.

SendBlaster for non-profits
We believe email marketing can be an incredible opportunity for non-profits to improve their fundraising results, inform supporters, recruit volunteers, event invitations and much more.
The SendBlaster for non-profits program donates a SendBlaster PRO 3 license to all qualifying non-profits that are dedicated to providing health care services around the world (for ex. patient and family support, home health care, child care, disability services,…).
The license gives full access to the PRO version of our email marketing software and it is lifetime: no recurring fees or additional costs are needed.

How to apply
Simply, open a ticket at and include:
– your Full Name,
– your Non-Profit Organization’s name,
– your Website,
– a short brief that explains what are the main activities of your organization.

Our staff will review your submission within 2 weeks and then will notify you as to whether you have passed the review. If your request is approved we will send you one SendBlaster 3 PRO license for free. The license key allows you to unlock the free version of SendBlaster, so that you can start creating and sending unlimited email campaigns in minutes.

We truly hope many non-profit organizations will take advantage of this offer, allowing SendBlaster to help them better manage their email marketing activities.

Please note that we reserve the right to approve or deny your request at our sole discretion.

Here is a partial list of qualified non-profit organizations that received a SendBlaster PRO 3 License:

  • Depaul Irelandhomeless charity in Dublin and Belfast that works with the most marginalised in the homeless community;
  • Karuna Kare Foundation – voluntary support group to provide emotional support to cancer patients and their families/care givers;
  • Médecins Sans Frontières – international medical humanitarian organization committed to bringing quality medical care to people caught in crisis regardless of race, religion, or political affiliation;
  • Vietnam Veterans of America 391 – provides Vietnam Veterans and other veterans with a central source of information about the Veterans Administration, medical care, and forms for various veterans benefits;
  • Dental Health Foundation – independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting oral health, well-being and quality of life for people throughout California and across the nation;
  • SOS Altopadovana – serves the community a variety of emergency and health services;
  • Diabetes South Africanon-profit organization, funded in 1969, offers support and an advocate for all people with diabetes in South Africa;
  • United Through Sport is an international sports development charity that unites people around the world to play sport and tackle social inequality;
  • Help Us Dry the Tears – helps the destitute, the homeless, especially the abandoned and suffering children in Eastern Europe;
  • Joint Aid Management – provides nutritional feeding, school feeding, assistance to orphans and vulnerable children, the provision of water and sanitation, as well as skills development, community training on agricultural development, income generation projects and HIV/AIDS programming;
  • Nathan Kidney Foundation – non-profit organization located in Lagos, Nigeria dedicated to the cause of reducing the incidence and prevalence of kidney failure;
  • Asociación de Diabéticos del Uruguay – Diabetes Awareness and Prevention Education across Uruguay;
  • CERT International – works in over 30 countries providing FREE medical, dental and eyeglass clinics in villages and towns where the people have little or no access to medical assistance;
  • Mufindi Orphans – provides shelter, sustenance, education, and medical care for orphans, vulnerable children, and people living with HIV-AIDS;
  • St Luis EAS – non-for-yrofit organization that raises money for the Shriners Hospital for Children (Tampa, FI);
  • World Water Assessment Programme (UNESCO) – Housed in UNESCO, WWAP monitors freshwater issues in order to provide recommendations, develop case studies, enhance assessment capacity at a national level and inform the decision-making process;
  • The Alzheimer Society of Ireland – includes over 100 dementia specific services such as 31 Day care centres, 27 Home Care/support services, 2 Respite care centres and 28 Carer support groups;
  • Marine Reach Ministries – provides humanitarian aid and relief to communities in developing nations around the world, using ships, trucks, mobile clinics and land bases;
  • Amaze – charity based in Brighton, UK, working with parents of children with special needs.
  • Positive People – a comminity based project (Community Interest Company) solely set up to provide the community with Health and Fitness to disadvantaged groups.
  • Medici per i Diritti Umani (MDU) – a democratic and no profit organization independent of political, trade union, religious and ethnic affiliations.
  • American Pediatric Society/Society for Pediatric Research – The APS/SPR are joint societies that exist to foster the research and career development of pediatric investigators engaged in creating new knowledge that advances the health and well-being of children and youth; as well as advocating on Capitol Hill for Pediatric/Children’s Health initiatives.
  • New Day Orphanage – provide housing, food, and education to orphans near Mapanza, Zambia. Primary goal is to raise children who would have otherwise been abandoned so that they can become leaders in their own communities.
  • Christian Aid Ministries – involved in many humanitarian aid projects all over the world. One of those projects is providing medicine and medical supplies to over 400 medical outlets in Eastern Europe, Liberia, Haiti, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and other parts of the world.
  • Akhaura Info Foundation – is a Non-Profit Social, Health, Rural and Education Development Organization.
  • Por un pasito más – is a nonprofit organization, that promotes education and improves child health, education facilities,health and civic, in areas of extreme poverty in El Salvador.
  • Hospital Civil de Guadalajara – a public health institution, second and third level, which provides care to the uninsured population, especially those of low income and do not have a social security system, much of the Mexican republic, especially in western.
  • PRAVI – is Portuguese non-profit association, based in Lisbon, with several branches throughout the country. It’s Pravi’s mission to assist helpless victims, both people and animals, abandoned and abused.
  • PWSA – is an association that provides care to the lives of people with Prader-Willi syndrome (often called PWS) and all who are affected or work with them.
  • The Simson Foundation – is a non-profit organization that currently works in a number of fields,  and in programme running that aims to construct 12 Schools / Medical Centres in Northern Ghana.
  • Rx Outreach – is a non-profit pharmacy that provides low cost medicines to patients in need.
  • Colors of Lupus Nevada – is a non-profit organization devoted to improving the quality of life for Lupus sufferers while raising funds and awareness to the Lupus disease.
  • Give India – is a donation platform that allows you to support a cause of your choice from about 200 NGOs.
  • Pets as Terapy –  is a not for profit charity based in the UK
  • World Zoroastrian Organisation – provides relief from poverty through grants and interest-free loans for medical needs, education, self-employment around the world, but particularly in India.
  • Sosfamine Project – A trip around the world to meet and connect the children of the world from the schools of the world to create a better future.
  • The Kalgidhar Society – a registered NGO working in the field of Rural Education and uplifting the society by providing Healthcare and Drug De-Ediction Centers.
  • The Indus Hospital – provides premium health-care in an impressive, state-of-the art health center completely free to everyone in Pakistan.
  • YRGCare – Y.R. Gaitonde Centre for AIDS Research and Education (YRG CARE) is a non-profit organisation based in Chennai, India. The activities of YRG CARE are organized around four core areas – Education, Care & Support, Research and Training.
  • Medici per i Diritti Umani – a democratic and no profit organization independent of political, trade union, religious and ethnic affiliations.
  • Weelchair Angels – aa non-profit organization dedicated to providing wheelchairs to disadvantaged children in the Holy Land.
  • Syringomyelie  Patienten  Vereniging – a  Dutch non-profit patient  society  for  people  suffering  from Syringomyelia and/or Chiari Malformation
  • Sleep Apnoea Trust – a UK based charity that works to improve the lives of sleep apnoea patients, their partners and their families.