Why You Should Never CC Your Subscribers

It may seem obvious that CC’ing your list subscribers would be a bad idea, but that does not stop some new email marketers from falling into this trap. Even some experienced email marketers may accidentally violate this rule and CC their customers. For instance, a marketer who sends an email campaign for the first time…

How to Use Twitter to Collect Email Addresses

Twitter recently introduced a new feature that should be of interest to email marketers. This new solution, known as lead generation cards, provides a way for marketers to collect email addresses via the Twitter platform. The ability to collect email addresses is certainly an important tool for email marketers. Many businesses are already using Twitter…

How to Calculate ROI in Email Marketing

  Return on investment, or ROI, is one of the most important concepts in the world of business. Calculating the return on your investment allows you to focus  your energy – and  your precious money – on what works while avoiding wasting funds on things that do not generate a real return. When it comes…

The Importance of Using the Correct Charset in Email Marketing

Email marketers need to consider many different things when creating their messages. From the subject line to the content, there are plenty of items to worry about and obsess over. One thing that is often overlooked, however, is the importance of the charset, or set of characters. Using the wrong charset could make your messages…