Engage Visitors With The New Facebook Call-to-Action Button

Smart business owners have been using social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to their advantage for years now, so it is no surprise the new Facebook “call to action” button has been getting a lot of attention. This handy new feature allows to redirect Page visitors to any destination on or off Facebook. The…

15 Ways to Integrate Facebook and Email Marketing

#181391617 / gettyimages.com Facebook has been undergoing some interesting changes recently, and those changes present some interesting opportunities for email marketers. Facebook may have started out as a way for old friends to connect with one another and new friends to find each other, but it has quickly evolved into a powerful business platform. You…

The Value of Facebook Fans Versus Email Subscribers

facebook email subscriptions
Every business should understand the differences between their fans on Facebook and their email subscribers. Which is best? Do you need to have both, or will one be sufficient? Businesses have many questions regarding the best way to promote their products and services in this era of Internet technology. Most research concludes that email subscribers…

SendBlaster 2.0.116: List-Unsubscribe header, Sharing Buttons and New Report Tools

Good news for everyone! We’ve just published a new release of SendBlaster (v. 2.0.116). All SendBlaster 2 users can download it and install it free of charge. What’s new? We have included some general enhancements and introduced some cool new features that we are sure you’ll love. In particular: Facebook & Twitter Sharing buttons SendBlaster…