Increase Email Subscribers With Popover Forms

Many email marketers have been reluctant to use pop-up ads and other intrusive methods as part of their campaigns. In the past, those pop-up ads have gotten a bad reputation, leading many advertisers to abandon them entirely. That attitude is changing, however, and new technology has allowed email marketers to get the attention of consumers…

Email Marketing: Turn Your Email Misses into Hits

If you can persuade a quarter of the people who receive your email messages to read them, you’re doing well. If one in twenty click through to your website, you’ll be towards the high end of the industry average. Those don’t look like great figures, although if you’ve been doing email marketing for any length…

Email Marketing – Two Ways to Sell Information Products by Email

Let’s take a look at a couple of examples of email marketing. Both emails are trying to do the same thing — both are trying to sell an information product — but each of the companies has taken a very different approach to its marketing. We don’t have the figures to show which of these…

Enhance Your Email Marketing Campaigns with Seed Lists

In the world of email marketing, the addresses you collect are a vital part of your business. Each one of those email addresses represents a potential new customer, and a simple and inexpensive way to reach for new business. In many cases it makes sense to reach beyond your existing list, adding new contacts and…

The Value of Facebook Fans Versus Email Subscribers

facebook email subscriptions
Every business should understand the differences between their fans on Facebook and their email subscribers. Which is best? Do you need to have both, or will one be sufficient? Businesses have many questions regarding the best way to promote their products and services in this era of Internet technology. Most research concludes that email subscribers…