Special Characters and Symbols in Email Subject Lines: What You Need to Know

Special characters and symbols
You may have noticed a trend recently in the email marketing messages you have been receiving. It seems that special characters and symbols in email subject lines are all the rage these days, from simple things like hearts ♥ on Valentine’s Day to stars and stripes ★ on the Fourth of July. But while these…

“SPAM” Content to Avoid in Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Email marketers must compete not only against one another but against the spammers as well. As spammers have become more sophisticated, the technology used to detect and block spam has as well. That means that if you are not careful, your legitimate marketing message might never reach its intended recipients. Understanding the words, images and…

Personalize Your Subject Lines with Dates As Well As Names

The most effective part of an email newsletter isn’t the attractiveness of the offer or the size of the discount. It’s the relationship that the publisher has with the reader. When the reader trusts the publisher, believes that they are going to offer something they’ll find interesting and expects to benefit from the contents of…

Guest Post – How Not To Throw Your Email in the Spam Bin

Email Marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways in pulling off your eCommerce website’s success. But while you are doing an email marketing campaign, you will always be worried if your emails get through the spam filters of your recipient’s inboxes and not to the spam folder. Here are some tips that you should…

Monitor Spam And Good Subject Lines With Yahoo! Mail Visualization

Yahoo is making life a little easier for email marketers. They recently released a visualization tool that makes the flow of email through Yahoo’s servers more transparent, something that should be of interest to anyone who markets through email. With this tool, you can see the volume of email flowing through any area of the…

Email Marketing: Four Email Errors That Can Cost You Subscribers

We all know that email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach new customers. If you’re not capturing customers’ email addresses and sending them useful information, you’re missing out on sales. But there’s a right way and a wrong way to do email marketing – and many companies do it the wrong…