Impostazioni SMTP Gmail, Libero, Tiscali, Windows Live Mail – Hotmail, Alice, TeleTu, Yahoo e Vodafone per SendBlaster

Prima di iniziare ad inviare le tue email con SendBlaster, come in qualsiasi altro software di posta elettronica, è necessario impostare i parametri del server in uscita (SMTP). Questo permetterà di collegarti ad un server SMTP, il quale smisterà le tue email verso i rispettivi server dei tuoi destinatari. Se vuoi utilizzare servizi SMTP gratuiti,…

Monitor Spam And Good Subject Lines With Yahoo! Mail Visualization

Yahoo is making life a little easier for email marketers. They recently released a visualization tool that makes the flow of email through Yahoo’s servers more transparent, something that should be of interest to anyone who markets through email. With this tool, you can see the volume of email flowing through any area of the…

How to Import Contacts from CSV into SendBlaster

SendBlaster makes it easy to import your mailing list email addresses and contacts.  In this post we’ll explain how to do it. Easy and Hassle-free guaranteed! Step 1. Exporting your contacts from your mail account  into CSV file format. To import your contacts into SendBlaster you need to export a .csv/.txt file (one record, on…