Google Introduces New Grid View to Gmail Promotions Tab

Google Gmail
It is no secret that Google makes frequent changes to all its products. The algorithms that underlie the search engine are constantly being changed and tweaked, and the businesses that rely on search results struggle to keep up with those changes. Similarly, businesses who utilize email marketing need to keep track of the changes Google…

Gmail Gives Users a Simpler Unsubscribe Option – How Should Email Marketers React?

gmail logo
Google’s Gmail is one of the biggest players in the email arena, so when the company announces a change email marketers immediately take notice. Gmail has recently announced such a change, introducing a prominently displayed unsubscribe button that users can now take advantage of. An Easier Way to Unsubscribe This simplified unsubscribe link will now…

Gmail Images Are Now Displaying Within Email by Default

Google Gmail
When one of the largest email platforms on the planet announces a major change, email marketers need to take notice. Google recently announced just such a change, informing customers that Gmail will now be displaying images within its emails by default. Prior to this change, Gmail users had to manually turn on images within their…

New Gmail Tabs for Bulk Emails: Study on the Impact on Open Rates

unique interactions rate chart
There has been a great deal of online debate and discussion surrounding the new Gmail layout. As you may know, Gmail recently introduced tabs that users can use to sort their incoming messages. This new feature includes “Promotions”, a tab designed to hold bulk emails, including the newsletters, blog posts and special offers that email…

Impostazioni SMTP Gmail, Libero, Tiscali, Windows Live Mail – Hotmail, Alice, TeleTu, Yahoo e Vodafone per SendBlaster

Prima di iniziare ad inviare le tue email con SendBlaster, come in qualsiasi altro software di posta elettronica, è necessario impostare i parametri del server in uscita (SMTP). Questo permetterà di collegarti ad un server SMTP, il quale smisterà le tue email verso i rispettivi server dei tuoi destinatari. Se vuoi utilizzare servizi SMTP gratuiti,…