How often should I send newsletters for maximum effectiveness?

Newsletter ogni quanto inviarle per renderle efficaci
Here’s the secret to finding the right Send frequency for your emails   Newsletters are an incredibly powerful tool for effective communication. Their superpowers are amazing: they strengthen a company’s brand, attract new customers, increase sales, build consumer loyalty, and increase traffic to a website. As you venture into the world of email marketing, you’ll…

How to Boost Your Email Marketing Results With an Effective Call to Action

Email marketing can seem complicated at times, but at the end the most important thing is to create an effective strategy for selling products and gaining customers. A key part of that strategy is an effective call to action (CTA). While it is important to provide your customers with information they can use, including quality…

Regular Email Newsletters vs FeedBurner Emails

Marketing your business using regular newsletters, email updates and other forms of electronic communication can be very effective.  The trick can be finding the right mix of electronic communication – the mix that allows your existing customers to stay up to date on your latest offers while encouraging new customers to walk through your virtual…

Bad Spelling Leads to Low Sales

How can you tell that the email you’ve just received was sent not by your bank but by a malicious spammer hoping to steal your account details? The logo looks right. The design appears professional. Even the from address looks like an account at the bank. And yet… there’s something wrong. It’s the spelling. Messages…

Keywords that Make your Newsletters Pop

On the Web, keywords are vital. They ensure that sites are listed by search engines, delivering the right kind of free traffic, and they help Web pages make money by serving relevant ads. For newsletters, keywords are no less important, but they’re vital in a different way: while site-based keywords are read by computers which…

Read Your Emails!

If you wanted to be a professional actor, you’d go and watch a great performer. If you wanted to be a professional photographer, you’d spend time looking at beautiful pictures. And if you’re going to send email as part of your profession, you’re going to need to read lots of emails. You’re going to have…

Put the Right Content in the Right Channels

The biggest advantage that email newsletters bring to businesses is the steady contact with leads. Every week, a potential customer who has expressed an interest in the service you supply is reminded that you’re still there, still offering that service and still available for them. It’s a method that can be hugely effective. Provided those…

How to Work with Preview Panes

Statistics show that 69% of people reading e-mail at work and 27% of consumers don’t actually open each email message: they use the preview pane to scan them. What is the preview pane? It’s that space where reader can automatically view just a small portion of an email message without actually opening. In other words…