Wanna learn some more about SendBlaster? Here are 8 simple but useful tips to get started.
1 – In order to improve your delivery rate and avoid false positives from antispam filters, always insert a “plain text” part in your message; SendBlaster can automatically generate a plain text part from HTML when you click on “Text from HTML” button. This should be the last operation you perform before sending out a mailing.
2 – SendBlaster’s speed greatly depends on your Internet connection and SMTP server performance: if you are unsure about how fast messages can be sent, start with slower settings (select a slow profile in “Send” form), then gradually increase speed (choose a faster profile or lower pauses and increase connections).
3 – Using blacklists is essential for quickly and securely avoid sending messages to someone or preventing unwanted subscriptions: if an e-mail address or domain has been inserted in your blacklist, it will never be sent any message – no matter what its status is in any list.
4 – SendBlaster allows you to password-protect your database. To remove a password, simply enter the old one in the appropriate field and leave the “New password” and “Confirm new password” fields empty.
5 – Instead of adding an attachment to your message, upload the file to your website, then insert a link to that file in your message. Deliveraby will be much faster and your recipients will be happier as your message is smaller.
6 – Different e-mail clients render HTML in a different way; try avoiding complex formatting for your messages: keep them simple so that they will be readable on most platforms (and their layout will be consistent, if not equal, on most e-mail clients).
7 – If you collect full data from your users, and not only their e-mail addresses, use merge tags for sending out personalized messages: “Dear John” sounds much better than a generic “Dear user”. You don’t need to enable or configure anything, just select a tag from the list in “Compose message” form and it will be inserted in the current typing position.
8 – If you want to send out a text only message, with no HTML part, create a new message from scratch and edit the “Plain text” part only, leaving the visual editor’s area empty: SendBlaster will automatically recognize that HTML contains a blank page and send out text only e-mails.Before sending out, always preview your message in order to make sure that you did not enter anything in the HTML part by mistake.