Email Marketers Beware – Take Care Not to Offend Your Subscribers

Whether you are new to email marketing or an old pro, you always need to remember that your customer base is large and varied. That means that your customers are likely to have all kinds of political views, religious affiliations and belief systems. As you craft your messages and reach out to your new and existing customers, you always need to avoid saying or doing anything that could offend.

It may seem like a simple concept, but too many email marketers make simple mistakes that can turn off potential customers, and even drive away existing ones. Taking an honest look at your own email marketing campaign to make sure you are not guilty of these offenses is a smart move – and potentially a profitable one as well.

Even if you do not intend to offend your customers, you could be inadvertently costing yourself business if you are engaging in any of these all too common practices.

  • Not confirming email subscriptions – you should always send a confirmation to those who sign up for your email list or newsletter. Failing to do so could give you a reputation for a spammer or allow others to sign people up without their knowledge.
  • Not providing a clear and easy to find unsubscribe link – all legitimate email marketers give those on their list a simple way to stop unwanted email from coming. Providing a clear and easy to follow unsubscribe link is the mark of a professional email marketer.
  • Failing to answer questions promptly – your customers need to know that you are available when they need you. Always answer inquiries promptly and give your customers the attention they deserve.
  • Not following through on promised offers – If you promised new subscribers a money saving coupon or special deal, be sure to follow up promptly. Always give your customers what they expect.
  • Failing to deal with spam lists – smart email marketers make a point of asking customers to mark their emails so they do not end up in the spam folder. All that hard work is wasted if the majority of your messages end up in the trash.
  • Bombarding your list with messages – keep your marketing messages to a minimum and strive to provide your subscribers with real value every time you do send out an email or newsletter.
  • Not providing a valid email address – always provide your subscribers with a way to reach you. Be sure to include an email that allows customers to reach you when they have questions or comments.
  • Selling your subscriber data without permission – nobody enjoys getting spam. Selling your subscriber list to other marketers is a “great way” to fill those email boxes with unwanted messages. If you sell your list, your customers will know, and they will resent you for it. Simply avoid it and inform your subscribers that their email addresses are kept safe.