Gmail, Msn Live, Yahoo! Mail, AOL SMTP Settings to Use in SendBlaster

When you send out your mailing using an external SMTP server, SendBlaster will delay the message  and the SMTP server itself will then delivery it.  All you have to do is to configure correctly those smtp settings.
Today we want to focus on SMTP settings regarding the most popular web mail providers: Gmail, Msn Live, Yahoo! Mail, AOL.  They come with different settings and policies, be aware!

First, open SendBlaster, select  “Messages” section and then click  on “Send”.
In “Send settings”  enable “SMTP Server” checkbox and choose your favorite SMTP server.


Please note that before using Gmail’s SMTP server with SendBlaster you need to change a setting in your Google account.  Simply go to “My account” in Google, click on “less secure app” section and select Turn on.

SMTP server:
Port: 465 or 587
“SSL”: enabled
Authentication required: enabled
Username: your full email address (including
Password: your Gmail password

Before using your Gmail account as your SMTP server, be sure that you have enabled Gmail POP3 or Gmail IMAP through settings in your Gmail Account.

SMTP server:
“SSL”: enabled
Port: 25
Authentication required: enabled
Username: your Windows Live ID, for example
Password: your Hotmail/Msn Live password


SMTP server:
“SSL”: enabled
Port: 465
Authentication required: enabled
Username: your Yahoo! Mail ID (your email address without the “”)
Password: your Yahoo! Mail password

Before using your Yahoo! Mail account as your SMTP server, be sure that you have enabled Web&POP Access in your Yahoo! Mail Account(go to Options>Pop&Forwarding)

SMTP server: or
“SSL”: enabled
Port: 587
Authentication required: enabled
Username: your AOL or AIM address in full ( or
Password: Your AOL or AIM password

To use your “” on a specific port e.g. 1000, just enter as your Smtp server address. If no port is specified, default port (110) is used for Pop3 connections.

Please consider that each email service has their own send rate limits and restrictions.  And they can change their policies without any prior notification. Be prepared!

Google Gmail

no more than 100 recipients per message
the restriction is automatically removed within 24 hours after the limit was reached.

Msn Live
no more than 100 recipients per day

Yahoo! Mail
no more than 100 emails or recipients per hour

Aol Email
no more than 100 recipients per message or 500 recipients per connection

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