Ask Your Subscribers to Whitelist You

Spam filters have gotten better over the years, but their accuracy has not necessarily increased. Email marketers struggle with this problem every day, working hard to play by the rules and provide real value to their subscribers – only to have their carefully crafted messages end up in the recipients’ spam folders. You can fight…

Why You Should Never CC Your Subscribers

It may seem obvious that CC’ing your list subscribers would be a bad idea, but that does not stop some new email marketers from falling into this trap. Even some experienced email marketers may accidentally violate this rule and CC their customers. For instance, a marketer who sends an email campaign for the first time…

How to Write a Really Persuasive Email

The average Internet user receives dozens of emails a day, and some people get hundreds. Breaking through all that clutter and making sure your email gets read can be a real challenge. Crafting the perfect email requires a bit of artistry and a lot of creativity. If you want to make sure your emails are…