How to Keep Your Email Campaign Out of the Spam Folder

The spam folder—every email marketer’s worst nightmare. Once your emails are flagged as spam, your campaign metrics plummet, going from a potential success to an email flop. Thankfully, there are some tactics you can employ to help ensure your emails stay in your recipients’ inbox instead of their spam folder. Here are the tips you…

Making The Unsubscribe Process As Simple As Possible

A clear and reliable unsubscribe process is key for maintaining your reputation among your subscribers (and ISPs) and for increasing conversion rates. If people want to leave your list make it easy on them! In the new version of SendBlaster you can place the unsubscribe link with one single click by pressing the Insert unsubscription…

Opt-in or Double Opt-in: What’s The Better Choice?

The most important element of creating effective email marketing campaigns derives from your subscribers list. Its size is certainly a contributing factor to your campaign’s chances of success. During the past years, a number of practices, often illegal, such as “email harvesting”, were born on purpose to collect as many addresses as possible. These days,…