Using Twitter To Empower Your Email Marketing


Email marketing is powerful by itself, but combine it with Twitter, and you have an explosive combination. Need some tips on how to make the two complement one another? Try these tips for harnessing the power of Twitter and email marketing.

Use Email to Get Twitter Followers

Make it easy for the people on your email list to follow you on Twitter. Include a link to “Follow Us on Twitter” in each email you send out. Surprisingly, many businesses forget to take this simple step. Doing this can increase your number of Twitter followers quickly without any additional work on your part and build up your influence in the Twitter universe.

Twitter Your Email Subject Lines

Twitter allows tweets that are 140 characters or less in length. Keep your email lines short and catchy so you can use them as Twitter tweets. When they click on a tweet, a link takes them to the email and gives them a chance to sign up to be on your email list. Make sure your subject lines are intriguing. You need to grab their interest!

Use Your Twitter Bio to Get Email Subscribers

Twitter gives you 160 characters for a bio. Use it to say a few brief words about your company and encourage visitors to visit a landing page where they can sign up for a free report and be automatically added to your mailing list. Twitter allows you to enter a URL in a separate field on your bio page. This method works because people enjoy receiving free information that’s relevant to their interests.

Conduct Twitter Interviews and Use Them as Email Content

Conduct an interview on Twitter with someone relevant to your industry and use it as email content. Readers love reading interviews with experts. Be sure to include a prominent link at the end of the interview to follow your company on Twitter.

Make It Easy to Share Email Newsletter Content on Twitter

Display a prominent “share” button in every email campaign you send out with SendBlaster. It takes few seconds to integrate it.

This will encourage people to share your information on social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Make your email posts useful and informative, so people will want to spread the word. This is viral marketing at its best, and it’s totally free. Take advantage of it.

Twitter and email marketing complement one another. Use email to get more Twitter subscribers and Twitter to build your email list. It’s a perfect example of marketing synergy.

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