Email Marketing: Why It’s all About Building Trust of Your Clients

This post is part of a series of guest posts authored by popular bloggers and internet business consultants. Today's guest post is written by Alyssa Clarke.

Email marketing campaigns are notorious for degenerating into unwanted spam for people’s email inbox. If you expect this strategy to prove effective for you to achieve your marketing goals, it is important that you ensure that people read your emails with interest and not trash them without reading. Any tool can work in your favor only if you know how to use it well. The same holds true for e-mail marketing as well.

These can be extremely effective for getting traffic from the target segment for an e-commerce portal or for directing readers to a blog. If you wish to achieve all this through your email marketing campaign then you ought to ensure that people see value in the content you mail. Here is how you can ensure this.

1. Take information on customer preference before you e-mail them
This holds significance. The client is likely to be annoyed if you e-mail them about stuff they have little interest in. This is what spam is all about. While taking client details for information on products, seek information on the kind of products the client would be interested in. Make sure you stick to it.

2. Mind the frequency
To make people give time to an e-mail you send and to keep them interested over the long term, keep the frequency of your e-mails at moderate levels. A weekly or biweekly strategy may prove perfect. Never resort to multiple e-mails a day or one e-mail a day strategy. In such a scenario, you are likely to push the clients to reach out for the unsubscribe button.

3. Highlight the benefit for the consumer
It is important for you to understand that a buyer is interested in one’s own interest and not yours. Only if a deal is profitable or if the content that you email is worthy of a look in would the people give importance to the content. Highlight the discounts in the subject line itself to persuade people to read the emails.

4. Keep it relevant
For businesses it is important to capitalize on the festive season or holidays. If you are involved with products that are relevant in a particular scenario, promote them as per the occasion. Provide innovative gift ideas during the festive season and give information on offers on such products.

5. Take client feedback on information usefulness
For you to assess the efficacy of your email marketing campaign, take feedback from the clients on the usefulness of the information you email to them. Make changes as per the information collected. Work for the benefit of the consumers to further the cause of your business.

People give their email IDs and other contact information on shopping portals, blogs, etc. only when they see value in what your portal or blog has to offer. Next, it is for you to exercise discretion in not crossing the line between telling the potential clients about a new product that they may be interested in and annoying people with a message everyday so much so that people end their subscription.

About the author
Alyssa Clarke is a blogger who also happens to be a tech buff. She is always on a look out for latest tech stuff and recently bought a new BlackBerry Curve 8520, smartphone. She has a fetish for luxury watches and is currently in love with kallista, a diamond watch she saw in an article.