Guest Post: Why Email Will Never Die

Email has changed the way people communicate in the modern world tremendously. However, despite its significance, some experts feel that email is on its last legs. While email might sometimes feel somewhat slow in today’s fast-paced world with its focus on instantaneous responses, there are a number of advantages to email that will keep it…

Email Marketing: Why It’s all About Building Trust of Your Clients

Email marketing campaigns are notorious for degenerating into unwanted spam for people’s email inbox. If you expect this strategy to prove effective for you to achieve your marketing goals, it is important that you ensure that people read your emails with interest and not trash them without reading. Any tool can work in your favor…

How to Write The Perfect Email For Potential Customers

To say email marketing is a delicate business would be an understatement. The success of email marketing hinges upon the thought and craft put into the writer’s actually message, the ability to make the email seem more than a vague pitch at an anonymous email address. Needless to say, it’s not always easy to make…

Guest Post: The 15-Word Outline

Long before content became king I learned from some editing royalty what made a great story. To my chagrin my editing mentors never mentioned a chick a mystical creature known as a muse. Instead, they talked of boring attributes such as practice, researching and outlining. Outline…in an instant copywriting world does anyone really write an…

Guest Post: Put the Personal Power of Social Media in Your Email Messages

One of the changes that social media has brought to marketing is that it’s made selling personal. Because tweets and even Facebook pages are created by individuals who display their photos and share personal details, they allow the entrepreneur behind the business to form a personal relationship with members of his or her market. Leads…