Email Marketing Tips for Event Planning

email marketing for event planning

Email marketing can be a big help when it comes to event planning. Planning a major event like a grand opening, special giveaway or charity fundraiser involves a lot of moving parts – from booking the facility and utilizing the talents of local celebrities to making sure the general public knows the date and time of the festivities. Email marketing can help with each step of the process, making it easier for event planners to get their jobs done and have a successful outcome.

Pre-Event Publicity
The publicity and marketing you do before the event is critical, and email is a great way to get the word out. Whether the event is an intimate cocktail party for invited guests or a major grand opening for the public, email can be a big help in the promotion.

When hosting an annual or ongoing event, try to include pictures from previous years, along with testimonials and thanks from those who have attended. Those pictures and testimonials can make a big difference for people deciding whether or not to attend the event.

When sending out the email invitations, you can encourage recipients to share the event with their friends through social media and other channels. Using outlets like Twitter and Facebook can greatly expand your marketing reach and help the event be more successful.

Track the Responses
One of the most important jobs of the event planner is to keep track of who will be attending. Having an accurate attendee count is critical, so you will want to keep track of every RSVP that trickles in.

Building a list of RSVPs can also help in future marketing effort. Keeping track of event attendees lets you create a list you can use for future promotions.

Preparing for the Event
As the date of the event draws near, you can again use email marketing to remind attendees of the date and time and encourage them to come and bring their friends. It is also a good idea to send a list of frequently asked questions, from the starting time of the event to a full list of activities. The more information you can provide about the event, the more excitement you can build before the big day.

Sending out email reminders and other pertinent information will also help your guests be more prepared when they arrive. Guests who have a great time at your event are likely to return – and bring their friends, and that is good news for the event planner.

When the Big Day Arrives
You can send out a quick email the day of the event – to remind attendees of the time and answer any last minute questions. If the day spans multiple days, you can send a quick recap at the end of each day as well.

This kind of email is also a great way to keep guests informed of any last minute changes in the itinerary or list of activities. Schedules can change, and keeping your guests informed is part of proper event planning.

Following Up After the Event
It is important for event planners to follow up after the event is over. A quick email to thank attendees for their support is always welcome, as is an invitation to a future event. Maintaining a list of the people who attended past events is a great way to market your business as you plan further festivities.

SendBlaster can be a great tool for event planners. It allows you to send all the emails mentioned above (email reminders, email invitationrs, follows up) directly from your PC, without programming knowledge.
The key is to send out all those emails the right way. Keeping attendees informed without overwhelming them with useless information is a vital part of successful event planning.

Email marketing techniques have an important role to play in the events your company organizes, no matter what the nature of your business.

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