25 Content Ideas for Your Newsletters

25 content ideas for newletters

Content marketers know that quality content is the key to success. Good content should engage the reader and get their attention from the very first line, and only fresh, compelling content can do that.

Your subscribers have taken the time and effort to subscribe your emails and newsletters. You need to hold up your end of the bargain by giving those subscribers what they want, and that means avoiding repetitive content and always looking for fresh ideas and alternative content.

If you have been struggling to come up with fresh ideas for your newsletters, you can use these tips to get you started:

  1. Frequently asked questions – this is always a good topic. Answering questions and providing quality information is a great way to engage subscribers.
  2. A behind the scenes look at your company – your customers want to know about you; give them the information they crave by pulling back the curtain and letting them see the inner workings.
  3. Recent work – letting your subscribers know what you have been up to is a great way to build on your existing relationship. Letting subscribers see your recent work is also a great way to build trust.
  4. Statistics – giving your subscribers statistics on your industry or results from recent surveys builds interest and engages the reader.
  5. Industry events and trade shows – if you just got back from a trade show or convention, share what you learned with  your subscribers.
  6. Contests – everyone loves to win a prize. Setting up a contest for your newsletter subscribers is a great way to get their attention and build excitement.
  7. Links to social media sites – if your company has a Twitter feed, Facebook page or Instagram account, adding links to the newsletter can increase followers, likes and views.
  8. Showcase your blog posts – you worked hard on your blog posts. Give them a new life by highlighting those thoughts in your newsletter.
  9. Product reviews – product reviews are very popular, and people routinely use them to make buying decisions. Including product reviews in your newsletter is a great way to build trust with your subscribers.
  10. Review current events – your subscribers might not expect a review of the latest movie or hot new book, but they will be pleasantly surprised. Engaging on pop culture is a great way to build interest in your newsletter and even get more subscribers.
  11. Client testimonials – if you receive glowing testimonials from happy customers, include them in your newsletter.
  12. Answer client inquiries – the newsletter format is a great place to answer emails and inquiries from customers.
  13. Tips and tricks – including a list of tips and tricks in your newsletter to help subscribers solve real-world problems.
  14. Coupons and exclusive offers – everyone loves to get a great deal. Include a few coupons and special offers in every newsletter you send.
  15. Customer photos – including customer photos (with permission of course) is a great way to connect with subscribers on a personal level.
  16. Staff photos – your customers want to know who they are dealing with. Including photos of the staff is a great way to create that connection.
  17. Jokes – everyone needs a good laugh now and then, so feel free to include a few jokes in your newsletter. Just avoid anything that could be construed as offensive or controversial.
  18. Videos – embedding videos in your newsletter will make the publication more engaging and more interesting.
  19. Action photos of your products – seeing how the products you sell actually work can build a comfort level and even get reluctant shoppers to buy.
  20. Technical information – you do not have to go in depth, but a simple explanation of how your products work will be much appreciated.
  21. Employee volunteer stories – if your employees enjoy volunteering in their communities, use the newsletter to highlight their accomplishments and tell their stories.
  22. Deal of the day – including a daily deal in your newsletter can get the attention of readers and encourage them to keep reading.
  23. Business advice – if you run a B2B newsletter, include practical advice on how to manage cash flow, solve payroll problem and accomplish other vital tasks.
  24. Downloadable white papers – embedding links to published white papers will make the newsletter more useful to your business clients.
  25. Case studies – business clients will also be interested in the case studies you mention in your newsletters.

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