Email Marketing Tips for Fitness Clubs and Health Centers

The fitness and health club business is a competitive one. Local advertising has its place, but these days more people are turning to the internet to get health and fitness information. That’s where email marketing comes in. Email is one of the most effective ways to form a relationship with health conscious people who may…

7 Effective Ways to Protect Your Online Privacy

There’s nothing more convenient than doing personal and business transactions online but that convenience carries risks. Every day unsuspecting internet users have their personal information recorded and their online activities tracked without their knowledge. Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take to keep your personal information private and protect yourself against unscrupulous companies who…

Are You Sure Your Passwords Are Safe Enough?

What’s so special about “dragon” and “football?” Both of these words made the 2011 list of worst passwords of the year. People like to relate their password to something about themselves such as their favorite animal, sport or mythical character to make it easier to remember. That’s not a good thing when it comes to…