Restaurants Email Marketing Tips

U.S. casual dining restaurant sales have grown by 8 percent between 2006 and 2011, according to a study by Mintel. Total casual dining restaurant sales are expected to reach $107.8 billion in 2011. Restaurant owners can secure a share of this competitive market through a well-designed email marketing campaign. Here’s a short list of tips…

The Value of Email [Infographic]

Email is still the most used, most valuable and highly-prized real estate on the Internet. According to SmarterTools, there are “nearly 3 times as many email accounts than Facebook and Twitter combined”. This infographic “places email side-by-side against social media sites Facebook, Twitter and Google+ and even demonstrates email’s ubiquity when compared to the number…

Is Your Email Marketing Style Stuck In A Rut?

In our daily lives, we adjust our style of written communication to suit the situation and the audience. Formal business communications, whether by letter or email, require structured paragraphs, accurate grammar, and professional language. Whereas arranging to meet a friend for a drink can be a short message full of textspeak and emoticons. Email marketing…

Faith-Based Email Marketing Engages Current and Future Members

With 70 percent of Americans regularly using email, it is highly likely that members of your congregation use digital communication as part of their daily routine. Email marketing is a simple, cost-effective way to build a relationship with your parishioners, which fits with their busy lives. A well-run email marketing campaign will enable you to…

Happy 28th Anniversary Email!

It was 28 years ago today, Aug 30th 1978, when a 16 18 year old guy named Shiva Ayyadurai copyrighted “EMAIL” along with terms like “To: From: Cc: Bcc: Subject: Reply, Reply All, Forward”. The two words, “Electronic” and “EMAIL” – says Shiva – juxtaposed together for me originally brought images of vaporizing paper and…

Keywords that Make your Newsletters Pop

On the Web, keywords are vital. They ensure that sites are listed by search engines, delivering the right kind of free traffic, and they help Web pages make money by serving relevant ads. For newsletters, keywords are no less important, but they’re vital in a different way: while site-based keywords are read by computers which…