5 Email Preview Tools Worth Using

With so many different email clients and devices out there, it has never been more important to preview the messages you create. An email that looks great in Outlook may be unreadable in Yahoo! mail, and a message that is perfectly formatted for a traditional desktop PC may look terrible on a tablet or smartphone.…

Track Your Email Messages with TrackReports: A Beginner Guide

Measuring the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns is a key element that every email marketer should consider very seriously. It is only by monitoring your email activites and constantly analyzing the data that you can make your email marketing more effective and reliable. As a SendBlaster user, you are entitled to use a free…

Increase Email Subscribers With Popover Forms

Many email marketers have been reluctant to use pop-up ads and other intrusive methods as part of their campaigns. In the past, those pop-up ads have gotten a bad reputation, leading many advertisers to abandon them entirely. That attitude is changing, however, and new technology has allowed email marketers to get the attention of consumers…

Regular Email Newsletters vs FeedBurner Emails

Marketing your business using regular newsletters, email updates and other forms of electronic communication can be very effective.  The trick can be finding the right mix of electronic communication – the mix that allows your existing customers to stay up to date on your latest offers while encouraging new customers to walk through your virtual…

What’s new on SB2 – SendBlaster Plugins

SendBlaster 2 comes with dozens of enhancements and new features. In today’s post, we’d like to focus on SendBlaster Plugins. We can define them as small external utilities that can be launched from inside SendBlaster’s user interface, in order to add new features to the program.  In other words, they represent an endless opportunity to…