Coupons in Email Marketing – A Great Opportunity Not to Be Missed

There is no doubt that coupons are very popular these days. From magazine articles and TV spots highlighting extreme couponers to ordinary consumers trying to save some money, the use of coupons has exploded in recent years. A recent study by Burst Media found that more than one third of female shoppers reported using coupons…

Email Marketing – What Your Business Can Learn from Groupon and Its Competitors

Daily deal sites like Groupon and Living Social are springing up all over the place these days. These deal sites offer significant discounts on everything from pizza and sushi to teeth whitening and massages. These deals are great for consumers, but are they effective for marketers? There has been a lot of criticism lately over…

Regular Email Newsletters vs FeedBurner Emails

Marketing your business using regular newsletters, email updates and other forms of electronic communication can be very effective.  The trick can be finding the right mix of electronic communication – the mix that allows your existing customers to stay up to date on your latest offers while encouraging new customers to walk through your virtual…

Professional Email Marketing – Why You Need a Professional SMTP Service

Many new email marketers attempt to send out their newsletters, special offers and other marketing materials using the free SMTP servers built into many popular services like Hotmail and Google. What those newbies often do not realize is that those free SMTP services have strict limits on usage, and very low delivery rates to boot.…

Email Marketing Tips for Photographers

Working as a professional photographer can be very rewarding. As with any business, how you market yourself can mean the difference between success and failure. The most successful photographers have more than skill with a camera – they have marketing savvy as well. Understanding how to market your photographs is just as important as learning…