The Value of Email [Infographic]

Email is still the most used, most valuable and highly-prized real estate on the Internet. According to SmarterTools, there are “nearly 3 times as many email accounts than Facebook and Twitter combined”. This infographic “places email side-by-side against social media sites Facebook, Twitter and Google+ and even demonstrates email’s ubiquity when compared to the number…

Exclusive turboSMTP Promo Codes – SEPT/OCT 2011

If you are looking for a reliable SMTP service and want to save some money this is for you! Our partner turboSMTP has just created 3 exclusive promo codes for SendBlaster users: 1 – promo code: SENDBLAST10111 This promo code gives you 10% off any turboSMTP plan (monthly plans and prepaid credits) on the first…

Get The Most Out Of Recovery Modules

Experienced email marketers agree that the first few lines of an email are very precious, where main content and key messages should appear. But that does not mean that the remainder of the email is wasted space. There are ways that you can use the bottom of the email to catch the interest of recipients…

Is Your Email Marketing Style Stuck In A Rut?

In our daily lives, we adjust our style of written communication to suit the situation and the audience. Formal business communications, whether by letter or email, require structured paragraphs, accurate grammar, and professional language. Whereas arranging to meet a friend for a drink can be a short message full of textspeak and emoticons. Email marketing…

Bad Spelling Leads to Low Sales

How can you tell that the email you’ve just received was sent not by your bank but by a malicious spammer hoping to steal your account details? The logo looks right. The design appears professional. Even the from address looks like an account at the bank. And yet… there’s something wrong. It’s the spelling. Messages…

Share, Share, Share!

The most trusted form of advertising is a recommendation from a friend. Savvy email marketers can harness the power of a friendly recommendation by encouraging readers to share the content of their email marketing campaign with friends and colleagues. A Silverpop benchmark study found that shared emails increase the reach of email marketing campaigns by…