Email Marketing: What is Above the Fold and Why is it So Important

  In the newspaper world, “above the fold” referred to the top part of the newspaper – the portion clearly visible when customers browsed the newsstand. Smart editors placed their most important stories above the fold, and smart email marketers should as well. In the online world, “above the fold” refers to the portion of…

What Do You Want to Know About Your Subscribers?

The toughest part of email marketing begins after the copy has been written and the messages have gone out. As the open rates, the clickthroughs and, most importantly, the orders come in, they reveal huge amounts of information about your subscriber list. Each email will tell you a little more about your subscribers’ buying preferences,…

Create Content That Readers Trust

What do you think it would take to have an open rate of 40 percent? Maybe you’d need to do lots of A/B testing? Perhaps you’d do careful list segmentation, making sure that you’re only sending messages to the most appropriate audiences. Maybe you’d look closely at your subject lines and your address lines, using…

Animated GIFs in Your Email Marketing

Is it appropriate to use animated GIFs in emails?  The number of marketers using animation in emails has declined in recent years but has recently experienced a resurgence.  For good reason. Many recent split tests have shown that  emails containing animated GIFs give better results, in terms of engagement and conversions, compared to the same…

What Social Media Can Do For Your Email Marketing

Before the rise of social media, email marketing was the only way to reach people who had shown enough of an interest in a business to visit the website but weren’t yet interested enough to make a purchase. Persuade those people to leave behind an email address and the company could return to them with…