Dealing with Objections in Email Marketing

Start learning about marketing and one of the first things you’ll be told is the importance of knocking down objections. Leads will always have reasons not to buy. The salesman’s job is to listen to those reasons, then explain why they’re false. If the salesman manages to remove all of those objections, he gets the…

Build Trust By Declaring Your Affiliate Relationship

When the US Federal Trade Commission shook up its marketing rules in late 2009 — requiring sellers to declare affiliate relationships with the suppliers of products they were promoting — you could feel the vibrations spread across the Web. Marketers were understandably concerned that revealing that they were being paid to promote goods would affect…

Preventing image suppression in HTML emails

According to MarketingSherpa’s 2010 Email Marketing Benchmark Report, only 33% of email users say they have images turned on by default in their email clients. This means that if you do not consider optimizing email when images are turned off,  a large majority of your subscribers will not see your message properly and, as a…

Guest Post: Put the Personal Power of Social Media in Your Email Messages

One of the changes that social media has brought to marketing is that it’s made selling personal. Because tweets and even Facebook pages are created by individuals who display their photos and share personal details, they allow the entrepreneur behind the business to form a personal relationship with members of his or her market. Leads…