Email Marketing: A Vital Tool for Non-profit Organizations

Online fundraising rose by 40 percent between 2009 and 2010, making it the fastest growing fundraising channel for nonprofit organizations, according to the annual Convio Online Marketing Nonprofit Benchmark Index™ Study. With the 600 respondents raising more than $1.3 billion online during 2010, the study makes it clear that supporters increasingly want to engage with…

Engage Your Subscribers by Inviting Them to Work for You

A marketing email should do one of two things. It might drive immediate sales with a special offer, a strong call to action, and a sense of urgency that forces readers to push the button now. Or it might build a relationship by providing valuable news and information that enables subscribers to understand that yours…

Email Relationships Count Even if You Can’t Measure Them

Internet marketers probably spend more time poring over their stats than they do writing their emails. They’ll look at the number of views their last message received and, more importantly, they’ll check the number of clickthroughs and sales it generated. Each time they hit the Send button again, they’ll be hoping that this message will…

Interested in Web Marketing? Read Web Target

If you are interested in web marketing, we recommend that you read Web Target – a brand new online magazine about email and web marketing. You will discover lots of informative articles, reports about new technologies, ecology of information, new models of online journalism, and the future of the web in general. Web Target Editor…

How Email Marketing Can Increase Your Hotel’s Occupancy Rates

Nearly 66 percent of travel marketers use email marketing, making it second only to print advertising according to the Travel Marketing Trends Report 2011. Email marketing offers hoteliers an effective, low-cost tool to secure new bookings and maintain customer relations. Here are some steps you can take to ensure that your email marketing campaigns are…