Preventing image suppression in HTML emails

According to MarketingSherpa’s 2010 Email Marketing Benchmark Report, only 33% of email users say they have images turned on by default in their email clients. This means that if you do not consider optimizing email when images are turned off,  a large majority of your subscribers will not see your message properly and, as a…

What are People’s Perceptions of Spam? [Infographic]

The folks at Flowtown put together this awesome infographic detailing a variety of stats around people’s perceptions of spam. Click on the image to view the full-sized version. The data for the infographic comes from the: Ipsos Public Affairs 2010 MAAWG (Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group ) E-Mail Security Awareness and Usage Report. You can access…

E-mail Testing Promotion: Run 10 FREE Tests on

Free Credits on PreviewMyEmail
This promotion has ended and is no longer available. We are very happy to announce that we have just partnered with, an innovative online service that allows you to check how your e-mails look in all the major e-mail clients. In few minutes, real screenshots of your e-mails are displayed on your screen, taken…

A/B Testing: A Simple But Effective Way To Improve Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Is it possible to create a perfect email marketing campaign? It is pretty hard to answer this simple question because every campaign is influenced by a number of variables that we cannot control. Regardless, a good email marketer should make all efforts to optimize results and find the best strategy for future email campaigns. One…

SendBlaster 2 Receives 5 Cow Rating!

We are happy to announce that our latest release  SendBlaster 2 has just received  a 5 Cow Rating, the best possible rating by Tucows, Inc. We would like to thank all our users for their suggestions, comments and feedback that helped us improve SendBlaster. Thanks everyone! Check out their Video Review below.…