Guest Post: The 15-Word Outline

Long before content became king I learned from some editing royalty what made a great story. To my chagrin my editing mentors never mentioned a chick a mystical creature known as a muse. Instead, they talked of boring attributes such as practice, researching and outlining. Outline…in an instant copywriting world does anyone really write an…

How to Recognize And Avoid Spamtraps

Is it possible that your email list could contain hidden agents just waiting to determine that you’re a spammer? It’s definitely possible. Email addresses known as spamtraps exist for the sole purpose of identifying potential spammers and then blacklisting them. In some cases, spamtraps could have once been legitimate email addresses that have been abandoned…

You’ve Been Blacklisted – Now What?

As careful as your email marketing efforts may be, a danger might knocking at your door: the possibility of being blacklisted. Whether you’ve just been blacklisted or want to avoid a preventable fate, it’s important to understand what email blacklists are and how to deal with them effectively. First, there are three main types of…

Email Marketing Tactics for Doctors and Dentists

Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to keep in touch with customers – and patients as well. More health professionals like doctors and dentists are using email as a way to reach patients and educate them about their health. Email is also a great way for health professionals to build patient rapport.…

What Social Media Can Do For Your Email Marketing

Before the rise of social media, email marketing was the only way to reach people who had shown enough of an interest in a business to visit the website but weren’t yet interested enough to make a purchase. Persuade those people to leave behind an email address and the company could return to them with…

When You Don’t Have to Worry About Clickthroughs

Folyo is a job service for freelance designers. Sacha Greif, the service’s founder and a designer with more work than he can handle, assesses designers, reviews submissions from companies and tries to bring the two together. Unlike other freelance jobs sites though, Greif doesn’t post the offers on his website. Freelancers can’t bid or compete…

7 Effective Ways to Protect Your Online Privacy

There’s nothing more convenient than doing personal and business transactions online but that convenience carries risks. Every day unsuspecting internet users have their personal information recorded and their online activities tracked without their knowledge. Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take to keep your personal information private and protect yourself against unscrupulous companies who…