Email Marketing Frequency – Finding the Perfect Balance

It is one of the most frequently asked questions in the world of email marketing – how often should I send my bulk email messages? Determining the right frequency and finding the perfect balance is one of the most difficult parts of email marketing – and one of the most difficult to master. That is…

How to Make the Most of Your Direct Sales Emails

With our bulk email software SendBlaster, you can send any form of marketing emails – including newsletters, updates, invitations to special events and also direct sales emails. Those marketing emails can be remarkably effective, but only if you know how to use them properly. Without the right techniques, those direct sales emails will simply mean…

Run A/B Tests to Improve Your Email Marketing Campaign

email ab testing
Every email marketing campaign is influenced by a number of variables that we cannot control. Regardless, a good email marketer should make all efforts to optimize results and find the best strategy for future email campaigns. One of the best ways to increase performance and conversion is through testing and, in particular, using a technique…

Email Marketing for Independent Musicians

email marketing musicians
The world of music has certainly changed over the past few decades. Where record labels and recording executives once held all the cards, musicians themselves now have the upper hand. Independent musicians are thriving like never before, and they are connecting with their fans on a grass roots level. This connection helps fans feel more…