Personalize Your Subject Lines with Dates As Well As Names

The most effective part of an email newsletter isn’t the attractiveness of the offer or the size of the discount. It’s the relationship that the publisher has with the reader. When the reader trusts the publisher, believes that they are going to offer something they’ll find interesting and expects to benefit from the contents of…

The Email Marketing Process [Infographic]

According to this awesome infographic, designed by the folks at, there are 5 basic steps to  successful email marketing.  If you want to learn more, don’t miss this post. You will find tons of great tips on how to do email marketing the right way.…

Turning Email Marketing Mistakes into Benefits

The more you learn about email marketing, the more you discover common mistakes. In some cases, you’ll learn by experience. In others, you’ll learn from the experiences of other marketers. You may even read articles warning you about the most common mistakes to avoid. However, some email marketing mistakes may actually deliver benefits when the…

Email Marketing for Product and Service Launch Success

As you plan an upcoming product or service launch, don’t overlook the power of email marketing. Many marketers make the mistake of waiting until the product has been launched before writing about it in their newsletters. Sure, the fact that you just launched a new product or service is newsworthy and of interest to your…