3 Differences Between Email Marketing and Social Media Marketing (and One Important Similarity)

Email marketing and social media marketing can appear fairly similar. Both deliver messages directly to leads who have expressed an interest in a company’s products. Both function online. And both are known to produce handsome rewards when done properly. But those similarities are fairly superficial. There are actually a number of important differences between social…

The Bacon Invasion [Infographic]

Did you know that spam has a more legitimate cousin called “bacon” (or bacn)? By definition, bacn is solicited email notifications. The term – originally coined in August 2007 at PodCamp Pittsburgh 2 – refers to solicited messages that seemed as invasive in a users inbox as spam. For example bacon is the Twitter updates,…

Tips to Make Your Emails Accessible

It’s a given that email marketing can help you to build strong relationships with your subscribers. This happens when you write good content and give your readers valuable information that helps them to achieve their goals. On top of that, you should make sure that all your emails are accessible to anyone. Your list may…

Exclusive turboSMTP Promotional Codes

There is a good news for both our free users and paid customers. As you might already know, we have recently partnered with turboSMTP, a fast-growing professional SMTP service provider, to allow all SendBlaster users a free, limited-use turboSMTP account, with no configuration or registration needed. After the 100 messages limit has been reached, users…

New Email Marketing Cartoons

The folks at Web Target – a popular Italian email marketing webzine – have just released the first 5 episodes of a new video series called “Email Marketing Toons. Tips & Tricks in MarketingLand“. These short videos tell about the adventures and misadventures of two particular friends, who get together to do marketing without knowing…