Bulk Email Tricks – 5 Killer Email Subject Lines

from line for email marketing
It would be hard to overstate the importance of the subject line in mass mailing campaigns. The subject line is the first thing a recipient sees, and if that line is not compelling, your prospects will quickly turn away – never to return. Finding the right subject line for your bulk email is vital to…

Yahoo! is Closing Inactive Email Accounts – What It Means for Email Marketers

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Email marketing is all about effective communication, so anything that cold disrupt that communication is sure to be big news among experienced email marketers. The recent announcement that Yahoo! Mail will now close down inactive email accounts is just the latest in a series of changes that have challenged the way email marketers do business.…

New Gmail Tabs for Bulk Emails: Study on the Impact on Open Rates

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There has been a great deal of online debate and discussion surrounding the new Gmail layout. As you may know, Gmail recently introduced tabs that users can use to sort their incoming messages. This new feature includes “Promotions”, a tab designed to hold bulk emails, including the newsletters, blog posts and special offers that email…

Track Your Email Messages with TrackReports: A Beginner Guide

Measuring the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns is a key element that every email marketer should consider very seriously. It is only by monitoring your email activites and constantly analyzing the data that you can make your email marketing more effective and reliable. As a SendBlaster user, you are entitled to use a free…

Run A/B Tests to Improve Your Email Marketing Campaign

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Every email marketing campaign is influenced by a number of variables that we cannot control. Regardless, a good email marketer should make all efforts to optimize results and find the best strategy for future email campaigns. One of the best ways to increase performance and conversion is through testing and, in particular, using a technique…