Guest Post: The 15-Word Outline

Long before content became king I learned from some editing royalty what made a great story. To my chagrin my editing mentors never mentioned a chick a mystical creature known as a muse. Instead, they talked of boring attributes such as practice, researching and outlining. Outline…in an instant copywriting world does anyone really write an…

Guest-Post: Audible Gets Follow-Up Emails Wrong

Every couple of weeks or so, I used to receive an email offering me a free audiobook. The company that sends the email is legitimate. Audible is a large company that I’ve bought from in the past so I had given them my email address and opted in to receive its marketing messages. As a…

Guest Post – How Not To Throw Your Email in the Spam Bin

Email Marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways in pulling off your eCommerce website’s success. But while you are doing an email marketing campaign, you will always be worried if your emails get through the spam filters of your recipient’s inboxes and not to the spam folder. Here are some tips that you should…

How to Keep Your Email Campaign Out of the Spam Folder

The spam folder—every email marketer’s worst nightmare. Once your emails are flagged as spam, your campaign metrics plummet, going from a potential success to an email flop. Thankfully, there are some tactics you can employ to help ensure your emails stay in your recipients’ inbox instead of their spam folder. Here are the tips you…