Making The Unsubscribe Process As Simple As Possible

A clear and reliable unsubscribe process is key for maintaining your reputation among your subscribers (and ISPs) and for increasing conversion rates. If people want to leave your list make it easy on them! In the new version of SendBlaster you can place the unsubscribe link with one single click by pressing the Insert unsubscription…

Background Images in HTML Emails

Backgrounds images can enhance the look and feel of your templates but nowadays they should be limited, or avoided. The main reason is pretty simple:  many email clients ignore images or do not render properly the background-image style tag. It means that if you choose to include them in your HTML emails, a portion of…

How To Configure SendBlaster With The Right Advanced Settings

Today we focus our attention on the Advanced Settings section in SendBlaster, which allows users to fine-tune the sending timing, and other special settings. Obviously, to get the right advanced settings it is necessary to try out different combinations and verify how many messages actually get delivered. To simplify the settings, some Suggested settings are…

Rich Media/Flash in Emails: Not (yet) A Good Choice

What about incorporating rich video or audio content directly in your emails?  New technologies, like CertifiedVideo from Goodmail, allow marketers to send videos and avoid issues with spam filters. More, HTML5 ha arrived with its new <video> tag that was created to provide native video support using a single codec across all browsers without the…

FREE Valentine’s Day HTML Email Templates

Are you ready to spread a little love (and some promotions) to your subscribers? It’s Valentine’s Day again, another important holiday that you should definitely include in your email marketing strategy (according to recent statistics, Valentine’s Day is the second-biggest card-giving day after Xmas!). To help you make it easier, we’ve just rolled out some…

What’s new on SB2 – SendBlaster Plugins

SendBlaster 2 comes with dozens of enhancements and new features. In today’s post, we’d like to focus on SendBlaster Plugins. We can define them as small external utilities that can be launched from inside SendBlaster’s user interface, in order to add new features to the program.  In other words, they represent an endless opportunity to…