15 Ways to Integrate Facebook and Email Marketing

#181391617 / gettyimages.com Facebook has been undergoing some interesting changes recently, and those changes present some interesting opportunities for email marketers. Facebook may have started out as a way for old friends to connect with one another and new friends to find each other, but it has quickly evolved into a powerful business platform. You…

Google Introduces New Grid View to Gmail Promotions Tab

Google Gmail
It is no secret that Google makes frequent changes to all its products. The algorithms that underlie the search engine are constantly being changed and tweaked, and the businesses that rely on search results struggle to keep up with those changes. Similarly, businesses who utilize email marketing need to keep track of the changes Google…

7 Inexcusable Errors in Email Marketing

In the world of email marketing, some errors are easy to make, while others are nearly inexcusable. Newcomers to email marketing often make errors as they learn the ropes and get to understand the rules, but those mistakes should lessen as time goes by. It is important to remember that even experienced pros can make…

Gmail Gives Users a Simpler Unsubscribe Option – How Should Email Marketers React?

gmail logo
Google’s Gmail is one of the biggest players in the email arena, so when the company announces a change email marketers immediately take notice. Gmail has recently announced such a change, introducing a prominently displayed unsubscribe button that users can now take advantage of. An Easier Way to Unsubscribe This simplified unsubscribe link will now…

How to Export Address Data and Print Labels with Labeljoy

Do you need to create and print labels from your SendBlaster mailing list? With label printing software Labeljoy you can automatically import all your SendBlaster data, such as names, addresses, emails, phone numbers in a very simple way. Everything is automated: you will be able to create and print custom labels with just a few…