Anatomy of an Email

According to there’s a simple structure that emerges across the successful emails, and “just like most movies have three acts”. Here below you can find the Anatomy of an email. The first element considered is the Subject line (Engage) followed by the Headline (Context), Act 1 (Evidence), Act 2 (Proposition),  Act 3 (Support), and…

3 Differences Between Email Marketing and Social Media Marketing (and One Important Similarity)

Email marketing and social media marketing can appear fairly similar. Both deliver messages directly to leads who have expressed an interest in a company’s products. Both function online. And both are known to produce handsome rewards when done properly. But those similarities are fairly superficial. There are actually a number of important differences between social…

Tips to Make Your Emails Accessible

It’s a given that email marketing can help you to build strong relationships with your subscribers. This happens when you write good content and give your readers valuable information that helps them to achieve their goals. On top of that, you should make sure that all your emails are accessible to anyone. Your list may…