Opt-in or Double Opt-in: What’s The Better Choice?

The most important element of creating effective email marketing campaigns derives from your subscribers list. Its size is certainly a contributing factor to your campaign’s chances of success. During the past years, a number of practices, often illegal, such as “email harvesting”, were born on purpose to collect as many addresses as possible. These days,…

How to Use Your Email Signature as An Effective Marketing Tool

Every day we receive dozens of emails from colleagues, partners, clients. It is surprising to note how often the email signature is poorly utilized or indeed entirely absent. The truth is that, in addition to serving as an useful reminder, your signature can be transformed into an effective marketing tool to promote your business. Let’s…

Holiday Email Marketing Campaigns Tips

As every year, Santa Claus is coming! And you, have you started your Holiday email marketing campaigns? The more experienced marketers know that especially during this period nothing can be left to improvisation, in particular considering that this year the economic crisis has been very bad. In fact, a good email marketing campaign can make…

Buying and Renting Email Addresses

Sometimes, we are asked if (and where) it is possible to buy list of email addresses. We want to emphasize that it is illegal to send emails to addresses of people or companies that have not specifically requested the sending of promotional emails. In addition, this kind of practice is ineffective for some reasons. First…

Using Links in Your HTML Emails

When designing your HTML email you should keep your eye on links included in the message. A recent study found emails with 25 or more links had an open rate 12% higher than those containing fewer than 25 links, and a click-through rate 29% higher than for e-mails with fewer than 25 links (eMarketer.com). If…

What Is Your Email Reputation?

A good habit to follow before sending your bulk email is to look up the IP reputation of your SMTP service. IP reputation is the major contributor to delivery rates, especially if you are sending to the largest ISP’s, e.g. Yahoo!, AOL, Hotmail. Statistics show that 83% of the time, sender reputation is the real…

Email Footers: Best Practices & Tips

Footers are probably the last read part of the email but they are certainly not least. Nowadays readers expect that footers should also display relevant information about your business and your brand. That’s why you should consider them as part of your email marketing strategy. In other words don’t understate them! At least you should…