Free Lightweight Photoshop Alternative Image Editors

In our previous post we focused on HTML editors and suggested some good solutions to easily create html emails.  Today we would like to take a closer look at image editors. Images, graphics and other design elements can dramatically improve the look and feel of your emails and help to express your main message. There’s…

How To Integrate Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn Into Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Social networking websites have revolutionized the way people interact online. Consumers are spending increasing amounts of time on these sites, want to share more and more information, opinions, valuable content.  According to some reports the rise of social media may represent a threat for email marketing.  Actually, they should be considered a great opportunity to…

Preventing image suppression in HTML emails

According to MarketingSherpa’s 2010 Email Marketing Benchmark Report, only 33% of email users say they have images turned on by default in their email clients. This means that if you do not consider optimizing email when images are turned off,  a large majority of your subscribers will not see your message properly and, as a…

A/B Testing: A Simple But Effective Way To Improve Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Is it possible to create a perfect email marketing campaign? It is pretty hard to answer this simple question because every campaign is influenced by a number of variables that we cannot control. Regardless, a good email marketer should make all efforts to optimize results and find the best strategy for future email campaigns. One…