Monitor Spam And Good Subject Lines With Yahoo! Mail Visualization

Yahoo is making life a little easier for email marketers. They recently released a visualization tool that makes the flow of email through Yahoo’s servers more transparent, something that should be of interest to anyone who markets through email. With this tool, you can see the volume of email flowing through any area of the…

Google+ Launches Pages for Businesses and Brands

Google has finally revealed Google + Pages, allowing businesses to communicate and interact with their customers and fans. Actually the service is pretty similar to Facebook Fan Pages, but it’s just Day 1. It’s pretty interesting to see what new tools and features Google will add over the next weeks. In the meantime Google has…

Nurture Your Newest Readers… and Sell to Them Too

There are few nicer feelings than watching your subscriber numbers tick higher. The right people are reaching your landing your page. They’re reading your copy. They’re accepting your expertise. And they’re turning themselves into the kind of prospects you can one day convert into customers. But those new subscribers aren’t like your other subscribers. Someone…

The Value of Facebook Fans Versus Email Subscribers

facebook email subscriptions
Every business should understand the differences between their fans on Facebook and their email subscribers. Which is best? Do you need to have both, or will one be sufficient? Businesses have many questions regarding the best way to promote their products and services in this era of Internet technology. Most research concludes that email subscribers…

New Hotmail Features: Email Marketing Friend or Foe?

Hotmail feels that it has won the war against spam, having announced that true spam in users’ inboxes has reduced to under 3% using SmartScreen™ filtering. Now they have turned their attention to graymail, the emails that users may or may not be happy to receive. Graymail includes newsletters that subscribers may have forgotten signing…

4 Free Halloween Email Templates

Halloween is fast approaching, so maybe you are looking for some themed templates to send out to your subsribers. Here are 4 new Halloween templates that you can download and customize any way you want. They have already been tested in all major email clients, so just add your custom text, and/or your logo and…

The Environmental Cost of SPAM [Infographic]

Did you know that SPAM has also a considerable environmental cost? The folks at WebpageFX have calculated the carbon footprint of the world’s spamming activities and they discovered that “a certain amount of Spam emails is actually the equivalent to the level of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions released from driving 3 feet.” In particular…