Making The Unsubscribe Process As Simple As Possible

A clear and reliable unsubscribe process is key for maintaining your reputation among your subscribers (and ISPs) and for increasing conversion rates. If people want to leave your list make it easy on them! In the new version of SendBlaster you can place the unsubscribe link with one single click by pressing the Insert unsubscription…

How To Configure SendBlaster With The Right Advanced Settings

Today we focus our attention on the Advanced Settings section in SendBlaster, which allows users to fine-tune the sending timing, and other special settings. Obviously, to get the right advanced settings it is necessary to try out different combinations and verify how many messages actually get delivered. To simplify the settings, some Suggested settings are…

FREE Valentine’s Day HTML Email Templates

Are you ready to spread a little love (and some promotions) to your subscribers? It’s Valentine’s Day again, another important holiday that you should definitely include in your email marketing strategy (according to recent statistics, Valentine’s Day is the second-biggest card-giving day after Xmas!). To help you make it easier, we’ve just rolled out some…

8 Tips To Enhance Your Experience with SendBlaster

Wanna learn some more about SendBlaster? Here are 8 simple but useful tips to get started. 1 – In order to improve your delivery rate and avoid false positives from antispam filters, always insert a “plain text” part in your message; SendBlaster can automatically generate a plain text part from HTML when you click on…

120.000 users = 120.000 stories

Did you know there are over 120.000 SendBlaster users around the world? We believe each one of our users have an interesting story to tell and we’d like to share them with the world! Why did you start sending bulk emails? What was your main purpose? What has been your biggest achievement so far? Share…

The SendBlaster Survey Results Are In!

We recently conducted a survey aimed at identifying the different SendBlaster users’ profiles, the satisfaction level, and collecting suggestions for improving SendBlaster. Over 1,000 SendBlaster customers from around the world  have taken the time to participate. We are extremely grateful for the strong response! Thank you to everyone who participated: your contribution has been valuable!…

How to Import Contacts from CSV into SendBlaster

SendBlaster makes it easy to import your mailing list email addresses and contacts.  In this post we’ll explain how to do it. Easy and Hassle-free guaranteed! Step 1. Exporting your contacts from your mail account  into CSV file format. To import your contacts into SendBlaster you need to export a .csv/.txt file (one record, on…