How to Use Twitter to Collect Email Addresses

Twitter recently introduced a new feature that should be of interest to email marketers. This new solution, known as lead generation cards, provides a way for marketers to collect email addresses via the Twitter platform. The ability to collect email addresses is certainly an important tool for email marketers. Many businesses are already using Twitter…

8 Quickest Ways to Build an Email List from Zero

There are many ways to expand and grow your email list, but all of them require lots of time and plenty of patience. That is doubly true if you are starting your email list from zero. It is hard enough to expand an existing list, but building one from zero can be even tougher. Even…

Build Customer Loyalty with Email Marketing

Email marketing is not just about short-term profits and selling products. Email marketing can drive sales and help you gather leads for the future, but the real promise goes far beyond those short-term benefits. A good email marketing program can increase customer loyalty, build brand awareness and help your business long into the future. Why…