What Do You Want to Know About Your Subscribers?

The toughest part of email marketing begins after the copy has been written and the messages have gone out. As the open rates, the clickthroughs and, most importantly, the orders come in, they reveal huge amounts of information about your subscriber list. Each email will tell you a little more about your subscribers’ buying preferences,…

Regular Email Newsletters vs FeedBurner Emails

Marketing your business using regular newsletters, email updates and other forms of electronic communication can be very effective.  The trick can be finding the right mix of electronic communication – the mix that allows your existing customers to stay up to date on your latest offers while encouraging new customers to walk through your virtual…

Personalize Your Subject Lines with Dates As Well As Names

The most effective part of an email newsletter isn’t the attractiveness of the offer or the size of the discount. It’s the relationship that the publisher has with the reader. When the reader trusts the publisher, believes that they are going to offer something they’ll find interesting and expects to benefit from the contents of…