How to Make Your Email Marketing Campaigns More Effective

Many newcomers underestimate the difficulty of launching and sustaining a successful email marketing campaign. Those unfamiliar with the business may assume that all it takes is a couple good lists of email addresses, some quality content and the ability to target the right consumers. The reality is far different, and many marketers find it quite…

SendBlaster Named as One of The World’s Best Internet Marketing Software 2012 [Infographic]

SendBlaster Named as One of The World's Best Internet Marketing Software 2012
Here below you will find the WordStream Internet Marketing 150 infographic. WordStream – a leading provider of search marketing software and PPC services  – gathered the top software and SaaS providers doing business in 10 major business categories, including content marketing and blogging, and conversion rate optimization. According to Wordstream, the companies included in the…

Email Marketing: Buyers Search Inboxes for Sellers

Photoshelter, a portfolio service for professional photographers, recently teamed up with Agency Access, a marketing firm for creative workers, to find out what image buyers are looking for and how they find photographers. The results included a couple of points of vital interest to email marketers in any industry. The first point was that for…

How to Boost Your Email Marketing Results With an Effective Call to Action

Email marketing can seem complicated at times, but at the end the most important thing is to create an effective strategy for selling products and gaining customers. A key part of that strategy is an effective call to action (CTA). While it is important to provide your customers with information they can use, including quality…

What Do You Want to Know About Your Subscribers?

The toughest part of email marketing begins after the copy has been written and the messages have gone out. As the open rates, the clickthroughs and, most importantly, the orders come in, they reveal huge amounts of information about your subscriber list. Each email will tell you a little more about your subscribers’ buying preferences,…