Spam Complaints 101: What Are They and How To Avoid Them?

Email campaigns, when properly implemented, can be one of the most effective forms of Internet marketing. However, despite your best efforts, you may encounter unwarranted spam complaints. Even when you follow all anti-spam regulations perfectly, you could be on the receiving end of a spam complaint. In general, a spam complaint is when a user…

Getting to Know promises to be the next big thing in online promotion and allowing small businesses to get noticed on the internet. What is It? Scoop.It is an online curation tool that enables users to create a resource of information for whatever topic they choose. The site’s goal is to give people an easy, quick way…

How to Recognize And Avoid Spamtraps

Is it possible that your email list could contain hidden agents just waiting to determine that you’re a spammer? It’s definitely possible. Email addresses known as spamtraps exist for the sole purpose of identifying potential spammers and then blacklisting them. In some cases, spamtraps could have once been legitimate email addresses that have been abandoned…