SendBlaster Ranked #1 Email Marketing Software

The September issue of the popular webzine Website Magazine includes an interesting report on the Best Email Marketing Service Providers and Resources for Web professionals of 2009. SendBlaster not only is listed among Top 10 in WebsiteMagazine’s Top 50, but it ranks No.1 among mass mailing softwares (all other positions are occupied by web based…

Email Marketing Links – the best of the week #3

It’s Friday again! These are our fav links of this week. Interlaced: Email and Social Networks – According to Jeremiah Owyang Web Strategist, Facebook isn’t the largest social network, email is, but not everyone agrees email and social networks are the same. Great article! Three evil words – Email is a permission-based marketing channel. Ken…

SendBlaster 2 launch getting closer

We are very excited about the launch of SendBlaster 2, the biggest relesase ever! Our dev team are releasing a new beta by the end of September. And this is supposed to be the final beta before official launch. We are sure you will appreciate the renovated interface and all the brand new features! Please…

“This is spam” is not a substitute for “Unsubscribe”

According to a recent survey promoted by MarketingSherpa most consumers don’t correctly comprehend the term “spam”: 56% consider marketing messages from known senders to be spam if the message is “just not interesting to me.” But there’s more. Regarding the use of the “report spam” button – the primary tool that internet service providers (ISPs)…

How to Work with Preview Panes

Statistics show that 69% of people reading e-mail at work and 27% of consumers don’t actually open each email message: they use the preview pane to scan them. What is the preview pane? It’s that space where reader can automatically view just a small portion of an email message without actually opening. In other words…

How to Use the Blacklist Feature

When a recipient requests to be unsubscribed, you should change his/her subscription state.  SendbBlaster gives you a second chance: the “blacklist” feature. Blacklist is a filter that prevents certain e-mail addresses or domains from receiving mails, independently from their subscription/activation state. How does it work? When you send a message to a given list, before…

Increase Opens with Killer Subject Lines

One of the most important elements of a successful newsletter is the subject. 1 out 3 Americans open emails solely based on the subject line (Jupiter Research, 2007) and nearly 70% of Americans choose to click the “This is Spam” button based on what they see in the subject line. The challenge is then to…

Email Marketing Links – the best of the week #2

It’s time for our weekly Blog roundup of the most interesting email marketing posts. Take a look at our fav links: Intro To E-Mail Marketing For Facebook Page Admins – 5 strategies that will boost your Facebook fan base Tactics for reviving dead email subscribers – it’s (almost) time for Halloween campaigns Millennials Highly Receptive…