Email Marketing Tips for Photographers

Working as a professional photographer can be very rewarding. As with any business, how you market yourself can mean the difference between success and failure. The most successful photographers have more than skill with a camera – they have marketing savvy as well. Understanding how to market your photographs is just as important as learning…

Avoiding Common Email Rendering Issues

Unfortunately, many first-time email marketers, and even some experienced players do not realize that different email clients can render email in very different ways. That is because every email client has its own back-end programming and its own front-end interface. Those different interfaces mean that the same message can have a completely different appearance from…

Create Content That Readers Trust

What do you think it would take to have an open rate of 40 percent? Maybe you’d need to do lots of A/B testing? Perhaps you’d do careful list segmentation, making sure that you’re only sending messages to the most appropriate audiences. Maybe you’d look closely at your subject lines and your address lines, using…

Personalize Your Subject Lines with Dates As Well As Names

The most effective part of an email newsletter isn’t the attractiveness of the offer or the size of the discount. It’s the relationship that the publisher has with the reader. When the reader trusts the publisher, believes that they are going to offer something they’ll find interesting and expects to benefit from the contents of…

How to Write The Perfect Email For Potential Customers

To say email marketing is a delicate business would be an understatement. The success of email marketing hinges upon the thought and craft put into the writer’s actually message, the ability to make the email seem more than a vague pitch at an anonymous email address. Needless to say, it’s not always easy to make…